School project (2nd year exam)
4 weeks; design phase 2 weeks
Create a digital-first platform to serve as a public information channel in a mid-COVID lockdown Denmark. Make it highly user friendly, inform about care for at-risk individuals and support AAA accessibility standards.

Responsibility Areas
→  VR Stereoscopic 3D videography + VR-compliant editing
→  TV Advertisement Storyboarding + voice-over + cinematography + editing + color grade + motion graphics
→  Mobile app Information architecture + UI/UX + prototyping
→  Research Academic research + user research + psychology interviews
→  Branding Logo + typography + color palette + icons
→  Presentation Slides + script
The app redesign encompasses a complete re-imagination of both UI and UX of the original minSundhed app. Users are presented with easily-digestible introductions to the information architecture before setting foot in the app itself. The information architecture functions by hard-separating the app's functions into categories. These were prioritized on the background of extensive academic research and interviews with psychologists specializing in at-risk users.
TV advertisement
The advertisement was designed to present its primary function, ways to help the at-risk population if you're a contact or help yourself if you're at-risk, as ideas that make viewers think "oh yeah, why hadn't we thought of that?". This allows the beginning of one of multiple user journeys that conclude in app download.
Presentation / Research
To create a help that assists at-risk demographics, we first had to uncover who the primary psychological at-risk group was, what factors made them at-risk, and which remedies scientific agencies and journals recommended. From there, we could create generalized personas to base our UI and UX off of, and begin considering how to translate scientific remedies into digital, mobile-accessible information.​​​​​​​
Stereoscopic 3D VR Experience
As part of our research, we discovered the potential in relieving psychological stress in at-risk persons, restrained to their home environments, by the use of virtual reality (VR). I therefore decided to shoot an original stereoscopic 3D test video as proof-of-concept and employed it in an enterprise-level VR headset.
Feedback was very positive in real-world testing.
Note: video begins at 0:12.

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